My personal favorite fight scenes Part 5

Two posts in one day?! The hell you say?! Well after digging through my collection of fight movies I dusted off my old copy of Who Am I!  I absolutly fell in love with this movie and the final fight scene when I was still in my teens. 

In this most excellent fight "Who Am I" (yes that's the name of the character and movie) fights against two henchmen who show up at the very last second to duke it out.  These two henchmen obviously use different styles of fighting, namely Muay Thai and Taekwondo (at least from what I can tell).  That's pretty much what I ended up calling these two guys whenever I would reference this movie.

As always the fight choreography is behind fucking awesome (with some slight humor) and so are the stunts, I mean cmon its Jackie Chan!  Oh and playing Muay Thai is David Leong and Taekwondo is Ron Smoorenburg.  Interesting fact: Ron Smoorenburg holds the record for highest kick at 11 feet, I'm unsure if that record still stands but after you see him in action...that dude can kick!  Also the fight is fucking awesome, go Jackie Chan! He needs to go back to these types of movies and stay away from doing more Rush Hour flicks...

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