Nightmare on Elm Street Podcast

This is our first podcast, the audio is a little off due to some technical problems.  These podcasts WILL improve and once I get the rest of my software up, will be edited properly.  Unfortunately this podcast was not edited but its not a big deal.  I hope you enjoy it, Happy Mothers Day!  Oh and also, SPOILER know!

4 Response to "Nightmare on Elm Street Podcast"

  1. Unknown says:

    Saw the preview for this when I saw Kick-Ass and immediately thought of you. It looked pretty horrible, and I am beginning to hate Michael Bay more and more. Excellent review ... no desperately searching for the ending scene of the original movie on YouTube, HAHA!


    CK says:

    Thanks man, I appreciate it. I just wish I would stop saying "ya know". I also go from saying funeral to wedding once, as well as saying 'Michael' Englund HAHAHA. Oh well that's what future edits are for.

    Sauce says:

    Haha thanks for this podcast review of a movie I will now NOT see unless I wake up with a hangover and it is on the TMC channel. There was something you missed in your review....YOU FORGOT THE POWER GLOVE!!!!

    ~Sauce Man

    CK says:

    BAAHAHAHA awesome, I totally forgot the power glove...its so bad

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