Street Fighter Legacy

Considering I did Street Fighter: Beginning's End, I felt it was appropriate to do the other major fan film release, Street Fighter Legacy.

This Street Fighter fan film directed by Joey Ansah and Owen Trevor follows along the same lines as Beginning's End but without any real story.  Starring Jon Foo as Ryu and Christian Howard as very convincing Ken, Legacy falls short where Beginning's End succeeded. 

(originally I said Joey Ansah was Ken, but a butt hurt fan corrected me through extensive research watching the credits)

In Street Fighter Legacy Ryu appears to be haunted by visions of Akuma, he then wanders aimlessly until encountering his life long friend, Ken. It's fairly obvious what these two iconic video game characters are about to do.  The problem with the choreography in this film is it relies too heavily on slow motion and special effects.  Simple punches and kicks move at a snails pace, this only takes away from any "impact" (HA!) they may have.  This fight seems almost without purpose and does little to add to the paper thin plot.

The special effects were very well done, you almost believe these actors can throw fireballs.  The exception to this comes from some sound effects that appear to have been lifted straight from the games and Ken going airborne during his slow motion Shoryuken.  The costumes were well done, almost as if they were actually worn through countless battles. Unfortunately, it appears that the film makers spent more time making sure they looked like Ryu & Ken as opposed to actually being Ryu & Ken.  The locations that were filmed looked gorgeous, seeing a snowy mountain then followed by a giant full moon. The downside to this is that you aren't exposed to any of them for very long, which drowns out any positive effect it could have had.  For all the hype I saw over this short, it wasn't worth the wait. 

In the end, Joey Ansah and Owen Trevor created a great looking short film but nothing more.  Street Fighter Beginning's End did twice as much with only $400 and a wig.  Big budgets do not always mean a better product.  I provided the video below, watch it and decide for yourself.  Also head on over to their youtube page and show them your support.


2 Response to "Street Fighter Legacy"

  1. Anonymous says:

    Joey Ansah starred as Akuma. He's also the creator. You need to fix this review. Before you type like you know what you are doing do the research to get shit correct then get to the criticism.

    CK says:

    HAHAHA yep he sure did, poor Christian Howard. Good thing you got here before ALL of my fans got the wrong info and I ruined my street cred!! Too bad your favorite short film sucked too much for me to care.

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