Street Fighter: Beginning's End

This isn't something I would normally write about, but I felt it deserved a mention.  Street Fighter: Beginning's End directed by Christopher C. Cowan is a fan made Street Fighter film featuring Brendon Huor as Ryu and Shaun Charney as Ken.  The premise is simple, yet effective, through great fight choreography that almost tells a story of its own.  The setting is short and to the point, just before Ryu leaves to compete in the first World Warrior Tournament (Street Fighter 1) him and Ken have one last match...

This short, which was made on an impressive $400 budget, (this must have been the best $400 ever spent, outside of Ken's wig) is a step in the right direction for video game films.  The setting in the forest was a great location to pick as it is breathtaking in its silent beauty and almost mystical, as if it were it's own character.  The costumes aren't overly done, they are just enough to make the characters recognizable to fans of the series. The short dialogue captures the character's personality perfectly.  Cowan values substance to the Hollywood smoke and mirrors.

Beginning's End shows that with a good amount of love for something, martial arts skills and a blond wig you can accomplish anything.  You have a fan for life Mr Cowan, keep up the good work.  If you haven't seen it on YouTube yet, I posted it for your enjoyment.  Please visit their YouTube page and show your support.

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